New Years Resolutions with our Founder - Dianna

Happy New Year Sparrow Mamas! Who’s ready with their long list of goals? Who’s ready to break all those bad habits and start new ones? Who’s ready to put insane pressure and huge expectations on themselves??

I’ll tell you one person who’s answer to all those questions is a big fat no....ME. I have always been the person who would make my goals and lists. I would be on fire to start the new year, only to feel a little disappointed when I’d fizzle out by the end of the month. I felt like I was constantly having to give myself pep talks to restart that fire, to get myself motivated again. I tried for a few years even just simplifying the goals. Keeping them so basic so that the only thing that could happen was success....still wasn’t working.

So, in 2018 I tried something completely new and different for myself. I set only one goal last year and it was to “just be”.  Just Be opened up a lot of things. Just Be: strong, brave, silly, forgiving, kind. The list could be whatever I wanted and needed it to be all while allowing me to “just be” in the moment.

Now don’t get me wrong, this year has been a crazy, chaotic whirlwind. It’s had its ups and downs and felt like I blinked and it was over. I really had to remind myself to “just be”.

As I’ve been prepping myself to head into the new year, I’ve been trying to me mindful of what I need this new year. Personally I think it’s important to take the month of January to rest, recoup and rejuvenate. After the chaos and crazy that we all go through the end of the year, I need to catch my breath. I need to allow myself the time to decompress so I can have a clearer sense of what growth and changes lay ahead of me.

So how am I going to tackle this new year you might be wondering?? 

1. I’m taking on that same mindset to “just be” as I head into 2019.

2. I’m going to take January to reconnect, recoup and regenerate.

3. I’m allowing myself to be real+raw with what growth and changes are in store for me.

I’m excited to kick off the new year with you mamas and can’t wait for you all to see what’s to come with Plum+Sparrow!

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